Looking for 48+ guy for the first time
I would like to meet a man over 48 years old..
I'm interested in mutual blowjobs and possibly licking the cum.
I want to caress your cock and balls.
Anal sex is possible, but I've never experienced it, so that's a question.
I am 40 years old, white European and not German. I speak English and a little German.
I can meet at your site or at the hotel we rent together.
Parameters: height 180, penis size about 16 cm, large testicles. My weight is 85 kilograms.
I am not cutted and it doesn t matter to me whether you are.
I shave a little if you want I can shave completely. Again, it doesn't matter to me.
For me, the main thing is adequacy, health and hygiene.
Area is: Rodelheim, Eschborn, Schwalbach, Bad Soden, Konigstein Kronberg.
PM me. Quoka_1710454856
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