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Attractive, Respectful Man Seeking Passionate Woman for sexy-filled Long-term Relationship

24.05.2024 12:14

Looking for a passionate woman who loves being touched, massaged, and kissed all over. Enjoys romantic encounters, quickies, and rough play. Comfortable with or open to trying intense orgasms and squirting. Values mutual respect, love, and care in a relationship.

I know this is an unusual place to seek it, but I don't find it on dating sites. Love and sex have always been together for me, even in one-night stands. I'm looking for a long-term relationship with a woman who loves to be loved and cared for, both emotionally and sexually, and who wants to do the same for her partner. She should love being touched, massaged, and kissed all over. She enjoys romantic encounters sometimes, a quickie at other times, and rough play in unusual places occasionally. She loves receiving oral and is comfortable with having intense, multiple orgasms. She enjoys quickies and extended fun sessions. Ideally, she is comfortable with or open to trying squirting.

I want a relationship filled with love, care, and mutual respect. Someone who is kind and loves the dirty side of things.

I am empathetic and vegetarian, mostly plant-based. I try to care for my body and avoid sugar. While her heart, love, and kindness are the most important, self-care is also crucial. I ve had my ups and downs with fitness but always strive for a healthy standard. I find overweight unattractive as it indicates a lack of self-care. Hygiene is equally important.

I used to smoke and drink a lot, so I'm not one to judge, but I find it unattractive if you abuse your body. This often means I am attracted to younger women, as they show fewer signs of self-abuse, though I do find many women my age and older attractive.

I believe I am an attractive man, especially for sapiosexuals. I want you to be sexy too.

I'm an active person with many hobbies and activities, but my relationship is always my priority. I want to spend a lot of quality time with you.

Despite my desires, it's been challenging to find the right match. It's tough to navigate through numerous dates and eventually discover that a woman doesn t share my interests. This happened with my last girlfriend; she was attractive but only wanted sex occasionally and wasn't into foreplay. I've rarely had a partner comfortable with intense, screaming orgasms or squirting. None were comfortable with toys or watching porn together.

I think with the right partner, I wouldn't need porn anymore. We could be so monogamous that all intimacy is just for each other, or maybe we only use porn together.

An open relationship might be challenging for me because I fall deeply in love, but it's not off the table with enough communication and trust. The point is to talk about everything and explore together.

And now the hardest part: We are all damaged by our pasts, which will show up in our relationship, especially with such intimacy. We will be the couple that works through these issues honestly and openly. Quoka_1716546003

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